Accredited Exercise Physiologist
Australia's newest allied health profession, legislated into Medicare in 2006.
Most people just call us AEP or ExPhys.

Designed for chronic illness
We are a new profession designed with a specific purpose. People with disability and chronic disease need exercise; and they need support to do so safely and effectively.
University Degree
AEP's require a four year university degree with over 600 hours of clinical placement. This is the same as other allied health (physiotherapy, speech pathology, occupational therapist etc.)

Accredited Health Professionals
AEPs are accredited by Exercise and Sports Science Australia and must maintain ongoing professional development and registration. AEPs are not registered with AHPRA as our skillset and interventions are deemed too low risk to require AHPRA oversight.
Nobody does it like us
Every medical and health professional is recommending exercise to their patients. We are the experts - exercise is literally our primary treatment.

Different to physio
Physio and AEP are on the same team but play different roles. Broadly speaking AEPs are better at exercising to specifically manage a health condition, whereas physios are better at managing an injury. This varies depending on the individual practitioner's skills and experience.
Coach not Critic
Our training focuses on supportive communication, building relationships and effective education. Our goal is to empower you to manage your health independently.

Eligible for compensible schemes
AEPs can provide concessional services under DVA, Medicare, NDIS, WorkCover, CTP Insurers, and Private Health. Check with your doctor or insurer for eligability.
For more information
Want a more formal rundown? Here is the 2021 PDF from Exercise and Sports Science Australia describing our Professional Standards and competencies.